Features that make you go ahhhhhh
Create your event’s registration page - fast, simple.
Build the registration form you need: simple, complex, private for invite-only events. Customise to your heart’s content.
It’s so easy
Set your event up in no time. No training required - just enter the details, test and publish! -
Flexible ticket options
Specify different ticket types (e.g. early bird, member price, student price). -
Single or multi events
Whether you’re running a stand-alone event or one that encompasses a range of sub-events; Lil Regie can handle it. -
Capacities & dates
Limit the quantity of tickets available or let them run wild! Set early bird and standard pricing. -
Collect information
Choose which information to capture as part of the booking process. -
Private events
Lock your event down so only people with a unique password can access it. -
Use it for online events
Link your event to your favourite online conferencing platform. -
Fully customise the look
Make it look and feel like the rest of your brand. With our easy-to-use form builder or add your own CSS. Comes with a subdomain for your event e.g. my-event.lilregie.com -
Customised emails
Tailor the content and layout of automated emails sent to attendees and billing contacts to suit your requirements. -
Fully test your event
Fully test your event page before hitting the ‘go live’ button. Make sure that everything is set up the way you like it and see the payment process in action. -
Set your own terms
Set up your own terms and conditions for the event or simply use our standard terms. It’s up to you. -
100% mobile and tablet friendly booking form
Our booking forms are fully responsive, which means that they will adapt to any screen size out there. -
Duplicate events
Running a series of events? No worries. Easily duplicate and clone events to help speed up your process. -
Scan tickets at the door
Make event entry easier, faster and more secure through our mobile ticket scanning app.
Get started for free No credit card required. No contracts.
Stunning sales tools paired with a seamless checkout experience to keep sales flowing
A seamless ticket purchasing experience and secure payment options. Offer discounts and special pricing for select attendees at your event.
Flexible payment options
Take secure credit card payments immediately via, Stripe, PayPal, or Lil Regie’s merchant account. Or hook up your own merchant account. Add payment by invoice to the mix. -
Sell tickets in 30+ countries
Choose from 30+ supported countries to set up your event and accept payments in their local currency. Visit our pricing page to see the list of supported countries. -
Pricing discount tools
Offer your attendees discounts, promo codes and complimentary tickets. Create dynamic discounting rules e.g. get a third workshop for free if you have booked two others etc. -
Accept Donations or koha
Accept donations for your event. And as donations usually are for a good cause, we don’t charge Lil Regie fees on the donated amount. -
Seamless ticket purchasing
No account creation, no hidden booking fees. Your attendees see just one price, enter their details & purchase their ticket! -
Multi bookings
A company can register and pay for as many people as they need to in a single transaction, increasing the opportunity of more bookings.
Get started for free No credit card required. No contracts.

Your sales at a glance, always up to date
Take a glance at our real time sales dashboards and know immediately where you stand. Or dive deeper into more detailed reports. Filter bookings by Unpaid to see who still owes you money.
Less stress with our suite of management tools
Let team members access event information all in one place. Make life easier with automated event reminder emails, waitlist options, accounting features & more.
Add team members
Add team members to your account and control what they see: allow event staff to view reports and registrations; give admin staff access to change event settings and create events. -
Cancellations & refunds
Cancellations and refunds handled securely and efficiently with Lil Regie. You choose how much is refunded and how much you keep as your administration fee. -
Full data export
View detailed reports - for example, registration numbers, financials, attendee requirements such as dietary needs. Download your event data as CSV whenever you like. -
Detailed reporting
Create and export your own detailed reports (eg financial information, attendee details such as where they’re from, any special requirements). Or gain a quick overview through Lil Regie’s default reports. -
Don’t miss out on potential ticket sales. Let people waitlist themselves to sold out events so you can offer tickets if a place opens up. -
Reminder emails & calendar entries
To make sure your busy and forgetful attendees don’t double book themselves Lil Regie automatically sends a calendar entry with the confirmation email. You can also send out an automated reminder email just 24 or 48 hours before your event starts. -
Automated Invoicing
Let Lil Regie handle your invoices and they’ll go out automatically with every booking you get. Transactions paid by credit card will automatically be invoiced as paid. -
Speed up your accounting with Xero
Connect up your Lil Regie and Xero accounts to sync your event income and invoicing. Make use of your preset Xero invoice templates and choose for Xero to send out your invoices automatically. -
Mailchimp / Campaign Monitor
Have more to say? Sync your attendee details to Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor.. Segment your heart out and take advantage of their full feature suite. -
Pull booking and attendee data from our API. -
We can look into setting up webhooks on a case by case basis. Contact us directly to see what we can do. -
Facebook & Google tracking
Easily set up pixel tracking for your events page with Facebook and Google Analytics.
Get started for free No credit card required. No contracts.

Have full control over bookings, attendees and data
See exactly who is coming, how much they paid, what they booked, and manage their details.
Keep the cash flowing
Enjoy an ongoing cash flow with rolling weekly payments directly into your account through our seamlessly integrated Stripe payment facility.
Scan tickets at the door
Yup, Lil Regie can help with that. Speed up check in at the door by scanning QR codes via our mobile ticket scanning app. Make event access faster, easier, and more secure.